What are Chakras in Fortnite?

Chi and Chakras in Fortnite gift you special rewards as part of the Avatar: Elements collaboration event. Chakras in Fortnite can also be used to unlock the Epic Appa Glider.

By Mokshit Batra
New Update
Chakras in Fortnite

Chakras in Fortnite (Image via Epic Games)

The new Avatar: Elements event is a temporary collaboration that has brought it with a new premium battle pass, new mythic abilities, Avatar: The Last Airbender skins, Chi, and Chakras in Fortnite. There is also an exclusive Appa Glider cosmetic available, modelled after the six-legged flying bison Appa. To unlock this glider, you will need to learn more about Chakras in Fortnite. 

The event battle pass, called the Elements pass, is divided into six parts, each part is called a Chakra. The Chakras in Fortnite are named after six different elements - Water, Earth, Fire, Air, Sound and Light. Chi, another new item introduced in the event, is simply renamed battle pass points that go towards filling these Chakras and levelling up the battle pass. 

How to Get Chi and Open Chakras in Fortnite 

Each unique Chakra has its own respective elemental quests. For example, to get Chi for the Water Chakra, you need to complete Water quests. 

Fortnite Elements Battle Pass (Image via Epic Games)


Only the water Chakra is available currently in-game. The next five Chakras and their respective quests will be released on the following dates at 9 AM ET- 

  • Earth Chakra - April 15
  • Fire Chakra - April 18 
  • Air Chakra - April 22
  • Sound Chakra & Light Chakra - April 25

There are six different quests tied to each Chakra. Completing these quests will reward you with Chi, which goes towards unlocking the six different types of Chakras in Fortnite. Once you gain enough Chi for a Chakra, you can open that Chakra. The opening of Chakras is not tied to levelling up the battle pass, although the method to do both remains the same. 

The six different water quests available in the game now provide 350 Chi each. This amount will presumably remain the same for each element. Completing all six quests will reward you with 2,100 Chi. However, you only need to complete four of these six quests to unlock the water Chakra. 

Note that you need not complete every single quest for all six elements to gain all event rewards. The last reward of the Elements pass unlocks at 11,000 Chi. Completing all quests for every element will reward you with 12,600 Chi. Therefore, you can skip a few quests that you are having trouble completing. 

However, ensure that you are completing at least four out of six quests for each element to be able to open all six Chakras. Opening all six Chakras in Fortnite will reward you with the ultimate award for the battle pass, the Appa Glider

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