Snapchat streak lost? Get Snapchat streak back

Discover strategies to rebuild Snapchat streaks: restoration options, support contact, and consistent snapping tips.

By Abhishek Chandel
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Get Snapchat streak back

Get Snapchat streak back

We've all been there - you're maintaining an impressive 100+ day Snapchat streak with your best friend that takes daily dedication. Then one day you forget to send a snap or don't open the one they sent you, and boom - the streak has been reset back to zero days. It's a crushing feeling after putting in so much time and effort. Losing a long Snapchat streak is easy to do accidentally, but the good news is you can rebuild it! It just takes a little patience and getting back into the habit of consistent snapping.

What Exactly Is a Snapchat Streak?

For those unfamiliar, a Snapchat streak occurs when you send snaps back and forth with a friend for multiple consecutive days. The number of days in a row is displayed next to their name. Streaks are Snapchat's way of rewarding friendships and becoming closer with other users. People enjoy watching their streaks grow over weeks, months, or even years!

Of course, the counter immediately resets to zero if 24 hours goes by without a snap being sent either way. This is how seemingly solid streaks are easily broken - life gets busy and you forget to open or send that one crucial snap to keep it alive.

How to Recover a Lost Snapchat Streak and Get It Back

1. Restore a Snapstreak Directly in the App

1. First, make sure you have the latest version of the Snapchat app installed on your device. Open the App Store or Google Play Store to check for any available updates and install them.

2. Once updated, open up Snapchat and go to your Chat screen where you see your conversations and streaks with friends. Scan this list carefully.

3. If you notice a streak has been lost with someone in the past 24-48 hours, you may see a small “Restore” button next to their name. This indicates Snapchat is giving you one free restore for this broken streak.

4. Tap directly on the “Restore” button and a pop-up will appear giving you the option to confirm you want to restore the streak. Press “Restore” again.

5. Snapchat will then process this request and your streak counter should reappear next to that friend’s name! It may take a few minutes to reflect, but the streak should be restored to its previous number.

This in-app restore function can be used once for free per streak. If other streaks have been lost, you may need to reach out to Snapchat support or rebuild them manually through consistent snapping. But take advantage of this easy restore option if you see it!

2. Contact Snapchat Support to Restore Your Streak

You can also directly contact Snapchat support to request help restoring your lost snap streak:

  1. Go to Snapchat Support and click on "I Lost My Snapstreak" Then "How do I restore my Snapstreak?"

  2. This will show you their basic troubleshooting guide and link to the Snapstreak restoration request form.

  3. Fill out the form explaining when your streak was lost and with whom. Snapchat may be able to manually restore it.

3. Rebuilding a Lost Snapchat Streak

Now let's say the worst has happened - your streak is gone. Don't panic! You can absolutely rebuild a broken streak with a little diligence. Here are tips:

  • Resume a daily snapping routine with your friend. Send them a snap every single day without fail to get the streak restarted.

  • It may take 3-4 days of consistent snaps before the streak counter appears again and begins incrementing, so be patient.

  • Ask your friend to actively help rebuild the streak by sending you lots of snaps as well. Explain that you want to regain what was lost!

  • Get creative and send fun snaps - selfies, videos, photos documenting your day, reactions to their snaps. This shows you care.

With daily engagement, your snap streak will be back in no time. Just remember that consistency is key!

Tips to Avoid Losing Your Streak

Accidents happen, but you can take precautions to avoid broken streaks in the first place:

  • Turn on notifications for when you receive a snap. This reminds you to open it and continue the streak.

  • If you know you'll be unable to snap that friend for a period of time, give them fair warning. Say you're going on a trip or will be very busy with exams, but want to keep the streak going. Just knowing the context prevents confusion.

  • Send multiple snaps back and forth each day, not just one per day. The more robust the engagement, the better!


Snapped streaks don't have to be gone forever. With a dedication to daily snapping, open communication about maintaining your streak, and contacting Snapchat support for help, you can rebuild a lost streak and strengthen that friendship once again. Though it takes effort, snap streaks create deeper bonds and provide a fun way to share your life with someone you care about. Don't give up hope - you can get that streak back!

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