Samsung plans to revolutionize Bixby with generative AI upgrade

Samsung’s integration of generative AI into Bixby marks a transformative leap forward in enhancing user experiences and advancing the capabilities of voice assistants.

By Raunak Bose
Samsung Bixby

Samsung Bixby (Image via TechFirstNow)

New Update

Samsung's decision to put the new AI technology into Bixby is a critical step forward. With the debut of Bixby on the Samsung platform more than seven years ago, the incorporation of generative AI marks a milestone in augmenting the ecosystem of Samsung. This step clearly shows the commitment of Samsung towards innovation and this is a major achievement forward in the improvement of the functionality and fashion of the devices.

From the start, voice assistants have been generic devices that respond to questions by providing canned responses. On the other hand, the open development of advanced chats by OpenAI's ChatGPT turns the tables into more interactive relationships. The users can interact in a more conversational manner with a computing system that processes their commands in natural language and probably returns the answers in any of the formats such as text, images or video.

Bixby from Samsung serves as the main engine that drives the diversity of Samsung devices and their related appliances from smartphones to smartwatches and other devices within the Samsung ecosystem. While it has not been able to beat the highly advanced chatbot models such as ChatGPT yet, it is still doing a good job.

Choi’s Vision for Bixby’s Evolution with Generative AI Integration

The Executive Vice President of mobile business at Samsung, Mr Won-joon Choi, described the need to reshape the concept of Bixby because AI Generative has a unique transformative capability. This is done by the application of generative AI and large language model (LLM) technology in Bixby as a way of making it more interactive and, thus, capable of customizing its communication depending on the needs of the users. 

Executive Vice President of mobile business at Samsung, Mr. Won-joon Choi
Executive Vice President of Mobile Business at Samsung, Mr Won-joon Choi(via Korea IT News) 

Choi affirmed Samsung's intention to apply these developments, however, the roadmap detailing the release of generative AI features of Bixby was not revealed. However, Samsung's commitment to innovation is a clear show that the company is relentless in its quest to maintain a leading position in Artificial Intelligence integration in consumer electronics.

The focus on the enhancement of AI functionalities occurs during a period of time marked by rampant speculation concerning Apple's next strides towards generative AI. This fact is especially important for the upcoming WWDC conference organized by Apple, which is anticipated to bring information on the company’s AI trajectory as well as its influence on development in the field of voice assistants and conversational AI.

The strategy that Samsung uses to reposition itself onto AI is a further manifestation of the industry-wide trend to adopt advanced technologies as a means to enhance the lives of users as well as provide innovation. By the use of the Generative AI power, Samsung aspires to let users own more intuitive and immersive experiences across all product ranges, so the stage setting for a new era of intelligent apparatus will be ready.

Samsung's Bixby's mission to completely redefine it with generative AI is a critical step towards transforming the future of voice assistants. The prospect of having more natural conversations with the support of artificial intelligence and bringing out the most advanced technology that will overly improve the lives of the users is what the task force behind Samsung strives for.

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