Bipartisan Agreement Empowers Americans’ Control Over Personal Data, Propelling Data Privacy Revolution

Key provisions of bipartisan data privacy legislation empower individuals and enhance regulatory oversight for the digital privacy protection of Americans

By Raunak Bose
Data Privacy of Users in US

Democratic Senator Maria Cantwell and Republican Representative Cathy McMorris Rogers (Image via TechFirstNow)

New Update

Democratic Senator Maria Cantwell and Republican Representative Cathy McMorris Rogers came to a historic bipartisan agreement making regulation legislation regarding the confidentiality and use of consumer data by tech companies such as Google and Apple. The goal of this bill is to create an environment in which Americans have the power of sovereignty. This means they will be able to decide whether or not to sell their personal data to third parties and request to have it removed.

Within the agreement highlighted by the FTC and state attorneys general, they are mandated to determine the range of their power to apply consumer privacy rules alone, and the efficiency of their compliance systems is of the utmost concern. The new law will establish a separate FTC bureau, which will take over the functions related to privacy, standing for the government's efforts to improve regulatory supervision.

The bill, however, only bans untargeted marketing but handles the remaining issues through fair balancing of privacy rights with commercial interests. There will be consumers' opt-out rights, and both tech companies and telecommunications businesses will be seriously penalized for privacy breaches.

Privacy Act Unveils Key Provisions and Protections for Data Privacy

On top of that, this legislation is set to be used as a countermeasure to the privacy scandals of big tech companies. Such a bipartisan-negotiated settlement would be the first printed federal data privacy and security law. It would be effective throughout the nation, allowing individuals to have more control over their personal information and imposing penalties aimed at restoring trust in the digital world.

Democratic Senator Maria Cantwell and Republican Representative Cathy McMorris Rogers
Democratic Senator Maria Cantwell and Republican Representative Cathy McMorris Rogers

Along with the provision of choices to consumers, the Privacy Act gives their data more personalized autonomy and demands from the companies the affirmation of the consumer before sensitive data is shared with third parties. To dispel any fear of discrimination, the consulting services will provide regular reviews of algorithms and restrictions on the use of personal data for discriminating purposes in line with this Act.

In a joint press statement, Senators Cantwell and Rodgers pointed out, that the main reason of the new bill is to provide efficient mechanisms for identifying illegal use of citizens personal data and encouraging a uniform approach to violators. The Act consists of two provisions focusing on the enforcement part and the consumers’ (rights) enforcement aspect as well as the protection and privacy rights values.

In the light of an ongoing discussion about online privacy, bipartisan support for data privacy law does the job of dealing with long-term issues and building a future digital governance with a common understanding. This pioneering initiative is the first large-scale attempt to explore the emerging problem of uncontrolled consumer data use and empower individuals to regulate their personal information and implement severe sanctions for violating norms of privacy in the digital sphere.

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