Destiny 2: Location of all Starcats

Having trouble finding Starcats in Destiny 2? Here's everything you need to know about where to locate the Starcats in Destiny 2 with the new season

By Mukul Dutt
destiny-2 starcats

Destiny 2: Location of all Starcats

New Update

A new season for the evergreen Destiny 2 came out recently. This like every season previously has added a new collectible for players to explore and collect. For the Season of Wish, players need to collect 14 Starcats in Destiny 2. These are cats that are made out of stars and can be tricky to find. Finding these cats will reward players with the Familiar Felines triumph.

Once the Starcats are collected, they will be transferred to the HELM, where players will see them in the same position they were in originally. Unfortunately, they can't collect all fourteen right now as the challenge seems to be Timegated. New Starcats are supposed to keep appearing every new week of the seasonal quest.

Here is a guide on how to collect the cats that can be found currently.

All Starcat locations in Destiny 2

Garden of Plenty Starcat

"Within the Garden of Plenty in Riven's Lair, this Starcat likes to peer down from a place of power."

From what players can interpret from the riddle, the Starcat can be found in the Riven's Lair seasonal activity, which can be launched through the HELM. Once players launch this, if the portal is on the left then they are good to go. If this portal doesn't open then they will have to retry it. Additionally, players will go through this section if they haven't completed the Polysemy mission that appears during the first week of the seasonal quest.

Garden of Plenty Starcat Destiny 2
Garden of Plenty Starcat( Image via Bungie)

The Garden of Plenty is the first of two major encounters, this is where players will fight the Sol Divisive Vex to uncage and then kill a Taken ogre. Besides this, on the left side of the platform, the location where the ogre spawns, players will be able to spot a large moss-covered rock. Players need to go close to this and look off the edge of the cliff. Below that players will be able to see a small puddle with a Starcat in front of it.

Blind Well Starcat

"Within the Blind Well, this Starcat likes to wait by the door."

Blind Well Starcat Destiny 2
Blind Well Starcat( Image via Bungie)

Players can locate his Starcat during the Dreaming City Blind Well Activity in Destiny 2. The Starcat can be found exactly on the opposite side of the room where the player spawns. The Starcat is on the other side of the font of Starlight, up the stairs, seated in front of the backdoor. Additionally, It can be found in the same location as where the boss first spawns when players trigger the heroic encounter at the end of a run.

Temple of the Queen's Wrath Starcat

"Within the Temple of the Queen's Wrath in Riven's Lair, this Starcat likes to hide in nooks."

The Temple of the Queen's Wrath Starcat can also be found similarly to the Garden of Plenty Starcat- basically during the second seasonal mission in Riven's Lair: Tautology in Destiny 2. If players have missed this Starcat during the mission, they can come back to this location via The Coil or Riven's Lair seasonal activities. When the player loads in, if the location is Tautology, they are in the right place.

Temple of the Queen's Wrath Starcat Destiny 2
Temple of the Queen's Wrath Starcat( Image via Bungie)

After loading in, players will encounter various enemies during the Pervading Darkness Section. After this, they have to trigger three plates that will lead them into the Temple of Queen's Wrath. Inside this temple, players will have to fight and defeat three wizards and light three torches.

Once players clear all these obstacles, they can head into the archway that is located on the right side of the room, once they have made their way into the archways players need to turn right and they will be able to find the Starcat at the far end in a small alcove concealed behind a pillar.

Chamber of Starlight Starcat

"Within the Chamber of Starlight Lost Sector, this Starcat likes to calculate gravity."

Chamber of Starlight Starcat Destiny 2
Chamber of Starlight Starcat( Image via Bungie)

The next Starcat is found in the massive final room of the Chamber of Starlight. Players will need to fight their way through many enemies and a formidable boss to get into this room. Players can find this Starcat by just looking right while facing the Lost Sector Chest. Furthermore, players will be able to see the cute feline Starcat on a table a little ahead.

Bay of Drowned Wishes Starcat

"Within the Bay of Drowned Wishes Lost Sector, this Starcat likes pondering orbs".

Bay of Drowned Wishes Starcat Destiny 2
Bay of Drowned Wishes Starcat( image via Bungie)

This Starcat can be found at the end of the Bay of Drowned Wishes, to progress easily in this area players need to make sure they come prepared with the right build and tools as this area hosts a variety of enemies and a difficult boss fight at the end. Once Players are done with defeating the boss, they can find the Starcat by looking right at the Lost Sector chest. The Starcat will be found hidden behind one of the Scorn orbs.

Aphelion's Rest Starcat

"Within the Aphelion's Rest Lost Sector, this Starcat likes to sit in the bowl."

Aphelion's Rest Starcat Destiny 2
Aphelion's Rest Starcat( Image via Bungie)

This Starcat is similar to the previous ones, wherein players will need to engage and defeat the enemies and the boss in this lost sector. To find this Starcat, once players are done with the pre-requisite tasks, they will have to jump directly behind the final chest. Players will find a decorative bowl here, inside it they will find the Aphelion's Rest Starcat.

Gnashing Chamber Starcat

"Within the Gnashing Chamber in Riven's Lair, this Starcat appreciates fine art."

This Starcat isn't tied to a specific mission, although players can find it while doing the Coil activity. Players need to make their way and head into the portal on the right-hand side at the start of Riven's Lair. Once this is done players will need to step on and trigger the three plates. This will unlock the Gnashing Chamber.

Gnashing Chamber Starcat Destiny 2
Gnashing Chamber Starcat( Image via Bungie)

The chamber has three Plaguewielders that players will need to defeat to progress, once the Plaguewielders have been defeated players need to find a table that is slight to the left of the area they entered. The table will have a cat statue, just beside the statue players will find the Gnashing Chamber Starcat.

Reaver's Orison Starcat

"Within the Reaver's Orison in Riven's Lair, this Starcat likes to root around."

The latest Starcat that was added this week into the game can be found in the Sensorium section of Riven's Lair. Players need to head into the left portal when they start the Coil activity. This location can be found very easily as it is part of the Apophasis mission. Players need to head into the Splintered Geode, once they have made their way there they will need to activate the three plates before progressing further by heading into the portal of Reaver's Orison.

Reaver's Orison Starcat Destiny 2
Reaver's Orison Starcat( Image via Bungie)

After heading through that portal players will need to destroy three vex nodes and eliminate an ogre. After this, they can find the Starcat on the right-hand side of the big causeway that is splitting the arena in half, making it easier to explore. In this area, the Starcat can be found hanging under a dead tree's exposed roots.

In case you missed it:


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